Mac Shortcut To Launch App
Mac app quickly turn image into cartoon. When you have an appropriate image, open it in Photoshop. Your image will also need to have well defined facial features, but not excessive contrast—no heavy shadows.
You can do this with an Automator Service:

Apple Mac Shortcut Keys
- open Automator (it's in Applications).
- choose Service for type of document
- in the column on the left, select Utilities
- in the next column, select Launch Application and drag it over to the box to the right.
- up at the top, select Service receives: no input; select in: any application
- select Calculator in the drop down menu beneath Launch application.
- Close the window and give it a name, like LaunchCalc
- in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts select Services in the box on the left. You should see LaunchCalc under General.
- click on add shortcut and type in a shortcut, for example, control-option-⌘-C
Shortcuts For Mac Keyboard
Jan 22, 2018 select Calculator in the drop down menu beneath Launch application. Close the window and give it a name, like LaunchCalc; in System Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts select Services in the box on the left. You should see LaunchCalc under General. Click on add shortcut and type in a shortcut, for example, control-option-⌘-C. Apr 14, 2020 This could launch your Podcasts app, for example. You then could replace the Podcasts app icon on the Home screen with this shortcut, which would keep things uncluttered. Connect AirPods on Mac.